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Who Needs to Change?


Dear friends in Christ,

As we begin the Apostles Fast it might be a good time to pull back as much as possible from the conflicts and concerns of temporal affairs, politics (Church or Civil), the 24/7 news cycle of things that have no direct bearing on our day-to-day lives, and especially from conflicts with others. One of the easiest ways to detect these conflicts is by awareness of our tendency to correct, or want to correct, others.

Remember the prayer from Lent - "Help me to see my failings and not judge (correct) my brother." This is a time to "double down" on minding our own business. Before all else, we must take responsibility for our own behavior. Instead of trying to change other people, or the world around us, let's remember that it is we who still need much change and transformation by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus tells us to take the beam out of our own eyes before we try to correct others or save the world. He is the Savior, not us.

The fast is a great opportunity to withdraw from exterior conflict and to seek peace in our own hearts.

Peace be unto all

Fr. Philip

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